Global Aviation Defense Market Review - 2013 - 2022 period

          C-Level and mid-level executives need sound reference for Strategic Planning. As the New Year actually starts companies resume implementing the planning they did the year before for the next fiscal period. Delicato′s expertise can help on both situations, providing market data and tendency analysis as a reference for company decision makers.
          Take a look at our Global Aviation Defense Market Review for the 2013 - 2022 period Report sample below.


Main Global tendencies

      Current Industry activity level and known market demand indicates it will deliver about 11,000 new aircraft of several different types in the next 10 years. In quantity, Rotary wing transport aircraft segment shall lead the deliveries of new units over the next decade.
      The segment of Fighter / attack and trainers aircraft is estimated at about US$ 100 billion only in the next five years. The Military Transport segment by its turn is estimated to reach US$ 47 billion just over the next five years.
      The global market for military aviation MRO is estimated to spend US$ 679 billion, led by the demand coming from North America. Available data indicate that the segment of MRO for fighter / attack aircraft shall exceed US$ 233 billion in the decade (or 34%), followed by the spending on MRO for the segment of Rotary Wing transport aircraft.


Global Military aircraft base

The top 10 manufacturers and their in service base: as per available 2013 information they account for over 29,000 aircraft in the installed fleet base. Their expected growth ratios and tendencies are quite interesting. The installed base is expected to increase by around 4,200 aircraft (or 14,4%) over the next decade.
      On the group of those who are expected to expand their in service base Boeing, with its Apache aircraft, leads the market with 5.812 units in service and an estimated 7.2% growth ratio for the next ten years. It is closely followed by Lockheed Martin with 5.126 units in service and an estimated growth ratio of 6.3%. It is quite important to note that highest expected growth ratios are shown on the rotary wing groups. The third in line manufacturer on the group is Sikorsky with an in service base of 4090 units and an interesting expected growth ratio of 22.1% in the next ten years. Then we have Eurocopter with an in service base of 3.404 units and an even higher growth ratio of 32.4%. Then we have Augusta Westland with a smaller in service base of 974 units but with an astonishing expected growth ratio of 54.3%. Finally we have Raytheon with an in service base of 850 units and an expected growth ratio of 4.7%.


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