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Companies like Airbus, Alcoa, Embraer and Delicato Consulting sponsored an important debate throughout the week of 18-22 / August on the problems of commercial aviation in Brazil in an event coordinated by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of São Paulo - USP.
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On crowded auditoriums with more than 400 attendees important players of the Brazilian and international aviation scenario showed their thoughts on the industry′s problems and possible solutions. Among them we can not fail to mention the former minister and founder of Embraer, Ozires Silva that upon telling a little about his professional history talked about the need that our country have of more entrepreneurs in many areas, including the aviation sector.
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Also participated the first Brazilian Astronaut, Marcos Pontes who discussed his experience of confinement on the international space station and what lessons can be taken hence for the development of our country, all which are demonstrated in full practice by the actions he has been performing, among others, at the Marcos Pontes Foundation and at his work for the United Nations (UN).

“Events like this are a unique opportunity to bring into the Academy, with the participation of teachers, doctors and researchers in the aviation field, the discussion of the issues that affect our country and the professional life of the aeronautical engineers graduated from USP.” commented Professor Doctor Fernando Catalano, Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at USP. “The participation of undergraduate students in the discussions and mini courses offered during the week unquestionably contributes to the formation of an Aeronautical Engineer with a greater understanding of the reality of the market and better able to work on solving the existing problems.” said Fulvio Delicato, Partner and Director of Delicato Consulting.